"All I Need To Know I Learned From My College Bar" - Le Moyne's "The Dolphin" - Book Review

"All I Need To Know I Learned From My College Bar" - Le Moyne's "The Dolphin" - Book Review

Excerpt from Book Review by Cailen Fienemann - Staff Writer at Le Moyne's "The Dolphin" newspaper:

"The college experience can be a tricky one. There’s classes to study for, friends to meet and spend time with, events to attend, and a future to plan for. A lot of times, trying to maintain all of these different aspects of life can be over- whelming, like trying to juggle while walking on a tightrope over an endless abyss of noth-ingness.

Most of us have people in our lives who enjoy giving us advice about how to handle these four college years. While those pieces of advice are usu- ally well-intentioned, trying to help us make the most of our time here, it can also be hard to live up to the pressure.

That’s where this book fits in – All I Need To Know I Learned From My College Bar. Written by Adam Loren- zo, an acclaimed comedy and sitcom writer, and illustrated by Antonio Pinna, this short book perfectly encapsulates the difficulties of college life and the lessons that can be learned from spending some time in its bar..."


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